Marco Pasqua was born on July 4, 1985, weighing only 2 pounds 10 ounces and was 3 months premature; he would later be diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
When he was only 10 years old, Marco was invited to be the ambassador/host of the Timmy’s Christmas Telethon with local radio legend Red Robinson. This was his first opportunity to speak in front of a large audience; it was then that he realized the impact that words can have but he had no idea that this would later turn into his career.
He went in pursuit of a career in technology and after graduating from the Art Institute of Vancouver, he spent 5 years in the video game industry. During the recession of 2010, he lost his job, which turned out to be the biggest blessing in disguise. Marco decided it was time to use his voice to make a positive impact on the world, so he built his own brand as a professional speaker and entrepreneur.
Throughout his life, Marco has been involved with a number of organizations as a spokesperson, helping to spread advocacy for persons with disabilities across Canada.
As an entrepreneur, Marco has remained focused on social impact and has helped to build brands in the tech industry, with a particular focus on accessibility. Some of his most memorable talks include TEDxStanleyPark, The United Way as an impact speaker and The Duke of Edinburgh Awards. In 2013, he was named “Entrepreneur of the Year” by the Self-Employment and Entrepreneur Development Society and was recognized in 2016 as a “Paul Harris Fellow” by Rotary International. Other nominations include BC Businesses' Top 30 under 30 award, Notable.ca‘s award in Personal Branding and Coast Mental Health’s Courage to Come Back Award in the category of Rehabilitation.
Advocating for universal design and inclusion is among his passions. He is a designated Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) Professional and has consulted with municipalities & business leaders on creating universally designed spaces and inclusive employment strategies for people with disabilities, including the Province of BC's employment advisory committee the Presidents Group.
Marco believes that success in business should not purely be based on the financial transactions; it is the human interactions that matter most. His speaking topics are focused on his personal stories of overcoming obstacles and how to manage major life transitions with the framework he created called The CUBE Principle.
What is The CUBE Principle?
C.U.B.E. is an acronym that stands for “Creatively Utilize your Best Energy”.
The CUBE Principle is a manner of approaching challenges or goals which uses creative methods for problem-solving. The framework teaches individuals how to leverage their existing social circle, focus on doing the things they are TRULY passionate about and reflect on the type of energy they are putting into opportunities and interactions.
The CUBE Principle can be applied to any challenge or goal, from meeting new people, to landing a dream job. One of the key factors in using The CUBE Principle is creating and maintaining authentic relationships that focus on mutual benefit in the long term.
The CUBE Principle can be summarized into the following three steps:
1. Approaching problems or goals creatively
2. Utilizing the strengths of your network to extend your impact
3. Understanding the type of energy you’re projecting and the focus of that energy
Download Marco's media kit for more information on his background and who he's spoken to lately.
For more information on accessibility consultation and universal design consulting services, click on the Meaningful Access Consulting logo to learn how Marco and his team can support you on your next project:

Get motivated and level up your life through laughter, fun and inspiration. Get a custom-tailored presentation for your next special event.
Is your organization accessible and inclusive? Marco can work with you and your team to assess your workspace, policies, and procedures to provide suggestions on where improvements can be made.
Need help getting through that next big milestone or life transition? Get the support you've been searching for through Marco's guidance and coaching.

“Sometimes when you organize a day with multiple messages for a group of leaders, you receive gifts you never anticipated; Marco was one of those...his main message was even more powerful; courage, determination, and a sense of humor can get you wherever you want to go in life. Our networking group's mission is "Working Together to Nurture and Develop Growth for Women". Marco's speech encompassed what we stand for as a group and he represented a person we would all like to emulate. You couldn't leave that room without feeling empowered to do more as leaders..”
Mike Nash, VP of Operations for BC, Safeway Canada
“I find Marco to be one of the most engaging speakers I have listened to in years. He combines an honest sincerity with a personable delivery and truly speaks from the heart when he relates his own particular journey. I believe that Marco is destined to become a very well known motivational speaker. Watching him present to our small group is like being on the front edge of a windstorm. You know that the strongest experience is yet to come and when it does come, it will be fully immersing. I see great success for Marco in the very near future.”
Rod Embree, Employment Specialist
"Marco is unlike any other person I have met. He is one of the most inspiring people I have met in my life. Marco is smart, articulate, a person of great character, and someone who can accomplish anything. If you have not met Marco, you should. If your team has not heard him speak, you reach out to Marco and make that happen. Marco has dealt with many challenges in his life, and yet, he faced them all head on, and demonstrated that with courage and determination, anything can be conquered. He now helps other people tackle their challenges and achieve their dreams."
Don Coulter, President and CEO at Concentra Bank